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Monitors up to four temperature zones simultaneously and transmits temperature readings through your GO device to MyGeotab in real time. Two sensors are included in the kit. You can purchase additional sensors as required.
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Monitors up to four temperature zones simultaneously and transmits temperature readings through your GO device to MyGeotab in real time. Two sensors are included in the kit. You can purchase additional sensors as required.
Many businesses continue to overlook Power Take Off (PTO) usage, and the available fuel tax refunds in Ontario. Fuel tax is where the Ontario Government gets the funding to do road repairs. You might be entitled to a tax refund if your company owns power take-off equipment. Here is a partial list of the PTO equipment that […]
Getting actionable data just got easier! – Here are new custom fleet management reports from Geotab. These report templates were custom-designed by our in-house Geotab Solutions Specialist and are available for free. Telematics Device Issue Detection Report helps you detect performance issues by device and how to address them, Get the Report Watchdog report allows […]
Cybersecurity – Questions to Ask Your Telematics Provider
SECURITY IS A COMPLEX TOPIC THAT DEALS WITH EVERY PART OF A TELEMATICS SYSTEM. Simply asking “is our data secure?” isn’t enough. With valuable data on the line, your questions should aim deeper. Look for specific implementations and strategies that form the very basis of modern security standards. The following questions are intended to serve […]
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