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9 Ways Trailer Tracking Will Save You Money

Management and maintenance of a fleet of trucks or trailers are increasingly challenging in modern business settings. Complex challenges ranging from vehicle downtime to regulations driving safety issues to reduce operational costs and theft are overwhelming. So, does investing in fleets of trailers mean you’re always condemned to endless costs and pressures? No. The business […]
About the Author
Sonia Varkey

Management and maintenance of a fleet of trucks or trailers are increasingly challenging in modern business settings. Complex challenges ranging from vehicle downtime to regulations driving safety issues to reduce operational costs and theft are overwhelming. So, does investing in fleets of trailers mean you’re always condemned to endless costs and pressures?

No. The business world, including trailer tracking tools, is advancing fast, thanks to rapid technological innovations that simplify daily processes. Most trailers can be equipped with vehicle monitoring tools such as truck GPS tracking to help you manage your trailers and solve various business issues. Connected Vehicles shares nine ways fleet monitoring, and implementation of an asset tracker saves you money and improves efficiency.

Key Takeaways

  • Trailer tracking tools, such as AI-enabled dash cams, help identify risky behaviors in drivers, reducing accidents and mitigating liabilities. The tool's real-time tracking capability can also offer quick assistance during accidents or breakdowns, further enhancing driver safety.
  • GPS-enabled fleet monitoring tools facilitate efficient resource management, from improving driver performance to preventing losses due to careless driving. This leads to an optimized utilization of company resources like trailers, time, cargo, and drivers.
  •  Trailer tracking can significantly mitigate fuel wastage. By identifying instances of idling, aggressive acceleration, and speeding, fleet managers can devise strategies to curb fuel overconsumption, saving on operational costs.
  • With cargo theft being a major concern, trailer tracking proves invaluable. Real-time vehicle location and cargo status monitoring, coupled with alerts for potential thefts, enhance the security of goods in transit.
  • Trailer tracking tools optimize trailer space utilization and vehicle dispatching, leading to increased productivity. Real-time data and insights also provide a competitive edge by improving business processes and efficiency.
  • Connected Vehicle's trailer tracking solutions can be seamlessly integrated into any company's pre-existing infrastructure, enabling real-time data access for asset monitoring.
  • Trailer tracking tools ensure a positive return on investment by identifying inefficiencies in current processes, enabling rewarding operational changes, and reducing losses due to cargo theft.
  • By enabling proactive and predictive maintenance, trailer tracking tools can reduce overall fleet maintenance costs. Early detection of potential issues prevents costly repairs down the line.
  • Connected Vehicles offers an array of software and tracking services to cater to your fleet management needs. With their innovative trailer tracking technology, businesses can improve efficiency, control operating costs, and increase return on investment.

Trailer Tracking

9 Ways Trailer Tracking Will Save You Money

  1. It Reduces Accidents and Mitigates Liabilities 

The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) report observes that an increase in nuclear verdicts has pushed fleet insurance premiums to an all-time. ATRI’s operational costs trucking report reveals that the cost of insurance premiums has increased by approximately 47% per mile in a decade. Truck accidents can increase your premiums and plunge you into costly lawsuits.

Truck and video telematics provides crucial data that enables you or your managers to identify and educate your fleet drivers on risky behaviors that increase accidents. The AI-enabled intelligent dash cams also provide in-cab audio alerts that enable drivers to self-correct and prevent crashes.

Suppose an accident such as a collision occurs. In that case, trailer tracking can provide you with crucial data and video clips to exonerate your drivers and deal with fraudulent or false claims from other parties. Video telematics solutions offer valuable evidence to fight stage accidents, especially in states or regions with no-fault laws.

  1. Enhances Driver Safety & Utilization of Resources 

Trailer tracking improves driver safety because of the ease of accessing your driver’s location. For instance, a GPS-enabled fleet monitoring tool lets you track the vehicle’s location in seconds to help a driver in an accident.

Trailer tracking also increases the efficiency of locating a broken-down trailer. Remember, the sooner you locate the vehicle, the faster you can send help and rescue your driver from dire situations. It may take time to locate your trailer using manual means and phone calls, especially if your driver cannot make or receive calls.

Connected Vehicles telematics solutions offers customizable data on your driver’s behaviors and performance including braking habits, speeding, and lane-changing data, among other details. Analyzing these trends and data over time assists you in assessing your driver’s performance and improving safety. Installing a GPS monitoring tool on your trailers is vital to track assets and prevent imminent losses resulting from careless driving.

Trailers, time, cargo, and drivers are crucial company resources that require proper management for maximum revenue. A trailer tracking tool is an essential asset tracker that enables you to locate and monitor your resources’ performance. These tools also provide real data to help you in business decision-making.

  1. Reduces Fuel Consumption 

Fuel is one of the most significant operational expenses when managing your fleet. The American Transportation Research Institute ranks fuel as the second-highest expenditure in the trucking industry. Like most trailer owners, you’re always looking for ways to avoid fuel wastage. You can’t control market fuel costs, but you have control over the fuel your vehicles consume. The good news is that trailer tracking using telematics assists you in mitigating fuel consumption.

A 2015 US Department of Energy report estimates that a heavy-duty trailer burns about 0.8 gallons of fuel per hour in idling mode. Your company can lose significant money to idling monthly if correct measures are not implemented.

Trailer tracking tools or fleet management software generates detailed reports that help to identify the drivers that idle most and when such instances occur. Such information is crucial in strategizing and taking relevant measures to curb fuel loss to idling. The monitoring tool also allows you to set alerts for real-time addressing idling violations.

Aggressive acceleration and speeding increase the rate of trailer wear and speeds up fuel consumption. Truck and video telematics harvest data enable you to identify drivers prone to aggressive driving and other fuel overconsumption behaviors. You can work with your management team to offer customized coaching to such drivers to curb their habits.

The GPS helps the managers dispatch drivers, configure route alerts, and set geofences to ensure drivers don’t breach the assigned routes to add unnecessary distance. Knowing the drivers close to a specific location reduces the toy fuel budget and optimizes your company’s workflow.

trailer truck at gas station


  1. Prevention of Theft

Cargo theft has become an increasing challenge in the US, especially in regions such as Texas, California, and Florida. CargoNet established that cargo theft led to the loss of properties worth over $12,710,579 in 2021. Logistics companies lose goods worth thousands of dollars annually. The common target points for cargo thieves include distribution centers or warehouses and truck stop-overs.

Tracking cargo using fleet telematics helps to know the location of the vehicles and plays a critical role in preventing theft. Hidden trackers such as ones that look like part of the mechanical system of a trailer can help to instantly track the location of the trailer. Phillips Connect’s door sensors notify the drivers and managers whenever an unauthorized person attempts to open the door. For instance, telematics alerts you if someone has tried to open a loaded vehicle’s door in an unscheduled location. Some wireless load sensors can also notify you even when small amounts of cargo have been stolen.

If you’re running a logistics company, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your clients’ goods reach the target destination without cases of theft. Installing a trailer tracking tool for location tracking will help you avoid problems with your clients due to the theft of their merchandise.

  1. Enhances Trailer Utilization and Increases Productivity 

Underutilization of trailer space costs you money in fuel and manpower. Installing a trailer tracking device or software such as a solar-powered asset tracker helps you to track your vehicles’ location in real time and pair them with other trucks.

Cargo-sensing technology is a smart trailer ecosystem that offers visibility into the trailer’s available space allowing your managers to plan how to utilize the space.

Fleet management software generates reports that enable managers to track under-utilized trailers and make decisions aligning with business objectives on whether to dispose of or purchase more assets.

GPS-enabled trailer tracking software also enhances vehicle dispatching and routing, allowing your staff to work faster and more efficiently without mounting pressure. Mapping and managing routes your drivers take stirs you to the top of your delivery schedules by ensuring that drivers follow efficient routes.

As a business looking for ways to beat competitors and be on top of the game, delivery is integral to maintaining clients. Timely delivery improves productivity and gives your clients reasons to trust you. Improved productivity saves not only time but also money spent on fuel and other relevant expenditures.

  1. Puts You Ahead of Your Competitors 

It's important to remember that your business doesn't exist in a vacuum. The industry is filled with several logistics companies offering leverage and SaaS supply chain services. The trick to being on top of the game and beating other competitors is doing things differently and giving your clients added value.

Simplest asset tracker technologies, such as door sensors that provide real-time data that enhances trailer utilization and cargo safety, build client trust. The sensors collect and convert billions of data points into crucial insights and actionable information that you can use to maximize efficiency in your staff and company's overall performance.

Temperature monitoring of goods is critical in several industries. Ensuring those goods are protected and the load can be delivered as needed is important to your business operation.

Getting to the edge of the competition goes beyond knowing the location of your trucks or trailers. It entails digging deeper into the current details of business activities, processes, and habits hindering productivity. Transportation costs are skyrocketing amid the increasing insurance premium costs. Additional data and insights into your business operations assist you in devising cost-saving and revenue-generating strategies that make your company more competitive.

Use the data from telematics to monitor your trailer's location, health, and status anytime. The feedback offers an integrated gateway to work on ways to improve your efficiency and stand out favorite among your competitors.

  1. Easy to Deploy 

Connected Vehicle's trailer tracking sensors are easily enacted into your company's pre-existing infrastructure. Trailer tracking solutions' software and hardware components can be customized to match your vehicle and infrastructural needs.

Enjoy our products featuring forward-moving technologies that provide real-time analytics, data, and crucial insights to manage your valuable assets. You can integrate trailer tracking tools into your company's infrastructure irrespective of the software that you're currently using. For instance, StealthNet™ is a high-performance, easy-to-install, and monitor tracking device that allows you to keep a tab on your asset's location, health, and efficiency by accessing real-time data instantly.

The versatile technology matches the needs of massive fleets in the industry, including your trailers. We offer information on API integration and trailer tracking to assist you in choosing suitable trailer tracking software to integrate into your fleet's infrastructure to enhance efficiency.

  1. Positive Return on Investment (ROI)

A common concern for every business owner or operation manager is whether implementing new technologies or processes will boost efficiency and stir their venture. Technologies or functions that don't promise positive returns on investment over time are not worth pursuing.

Our trailer tracking tools incorporate cutting-edge technologies with tied ROI over time. Connected Vehicle's technologies enable you to identify inefficiencies in current processes and provide a crucial basis to enact rewarding positive operational changes. You'll save more money if you implement trailer tracking solutions and achieve a higher investment return.

Would you like to implement asset tracker software that keeps your merchandise safe and prevent the losses resulting from cargo theft? Philip Connect has an assortment of sensors with an array of features that assists you in monitoring your cargo and boosts your return on investment by dealing with the loopholes that expose goods in transit to theft.

One method of improving your ROI is by minimizing expenditures and losses. Our trailer tracking software ensures that you detect and prevent a problem before it plunges you into losses associated with negative ROI.

  1. Reduces Fleet Maintenance Costs 

Your company incurs maintenance costs to fix issues you can prevent with trailer tracking tools. For instance, you may fix wear and tear issues resulting from aggressive driving or vehicle idling. The good news is that you can avoid these problems by installing trailer tracking software.

Use fleet management software to monitor your trailer or truck's odometer readings and establish your driver's driving habits. You can perform preventive maintenance using the odometer readings and time intervals. The data helps avoid under-maintenance and over-maintenance.

Companies are working towards implementing proactive predictive maintenance, which involves sending telematics data to the cloud and analyzing it using AI to predict any component failure and prevent them before it hits.

Our fleet management solutions offer a real-time engine-fault summary to assist you in handling any issues in time before they graduate into costly maintenance problems. Asset tracker management software provides alerts and custom notifications that help you to schedule your maintenance schedules ahead of time. Detecting a problem early and fixing it enables you to avoid extra costs.

Trailer tracking solution tools can assist your leverage and supply chain Logistics Company to improve efficiency and boost revenue. Fleet management telematics is a must-have tool for most trucking companies in the modern logistics industry. The best smart trailer and fleet management software helps you or your company's operational managers to control operating costs, reduce expenditure, increase efficiency, and return on investment.

Connected Vehicles is here to ensure you never lose sight of your valuable assets by providing real-time tracking services. We have an array of software to meet your fleet needs today.

man fleet maintenance

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is trailer tracking and how can it save me money?
Trailer tracking involves using telematics and GPS technology to monitor the location, status, and performance of your trailers. It can save you money in numerous ways, including reducing accidents and liabilities, enhancing driver safety, reducing fuel consumption, preventing theft, enhancing trailer utilization, reducing maintenance costs, and even providing a positive return on investment.

2. How does trailer tracking enhance driver safety and resource utilization?
Trailer tracking provides valuable insights into driver behavior, such as speeding, harsh braking, and dangerous lane-changing habits. This data can be used to educate drivers and promote safer driving practices. It also aids in locating a broken-down trailer or a driver in an accident, which can speed up the response time and potentially save lives.

3. How does trailer tracking assist in reducing fuel consumption?
Trailer tracking can help identify drivers that idle most and when such instances occur, which can be a major source of fuel wastage. The data gathered can also highlight instances of aggressive acceleration and speeding, both of which can increase fuel consumption.

4. How does trailer tracking help prevent theft?
Fleet telematics allows real-time tracking of vehicle locations, which can be crucial in preventing theft. Advanced trackers can even provide notifications when an unauthorized person attempts to open the trailer door or when cargo is removed, helping to prevent or quickly respond to theft incidents.

5. How can trailer tracking software be integrated into my existing infrastructure?
Most trailer tracking solutions can be customized to match your existing vehicle and infrastructure needs. This makes it easy to deploy and integrate into your company's current processes. Such software can provide real-time analytics, data, and crucial insights to manage your assets.

Want to Reap Exceptional Returns with Trailer Tracking in Fleet Management? 

Trailer tracking is a wise investment for fleet management, providing numerous benefits. It reduces accidents and liabilities, enhances driver safety, curbs fuel consumption, aids in theft prevention, boosts productivity, offers a competitive edge, deploys easily, ensures positive ROI, and reduces maintenance costs. Contact Connected Vehicles at 405 Laird Road Guelph, ON N1G4P7 or call +1-833-561-0373 to learn more about their connected vehicles technology for trailer tracking.

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